Solution to Lesson 9
( This code can be found at .\tutorial\Lesson9\LetterCount.bas )
'- Declare variables -
DIM Phrase$ ' the sentence to be scanned
DIM Ascii% ' ASCII value counter 65 to 90
DIM LetterCount% ' number of each letter found
DIM Count% ' length of string counter
'- Main program -
PRINT "Letter Count" ' print directions
PRINT "------------"
PRINT "Type in a sentence to be scanned."
LINE INPUT "> ", Phrase$ ' get sentence to be scanned
PRINT "Letters found:"
Phrase$ = UCASE$(Phrase$) ' convert sentence to upper case
FOR Ascii% = 65 TO 90 ' cycle from A to Z in ASCII table
LetterCount% = 0 ' reset letter counter
FOR Count% = 1 TO LEN(Phrase$) ' cycle through the length of the string
IF ASC(MID$(Phrase$, Count%, 1)) = Ascii% THEN ' does this letter = current ASCII value?
LetterCount% = LetterCount% + 1 ' yes, increment the letter counter
NEXT Count%
IF LetterCount% THEN ' was this letter found?
PRINT CHR$(Ascii%); " ->"; LetterCount% ' yes, print result to the screen
NEXT Ascii%