Solution to Lesson 13
( This code can be found at .\tutorial\Lesson13\MakeChessBoard.bas )
'* Chess Board Creator Updated 08/17/22
DIM ChessBoard& ' the chess board image
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800, 700, 32) ' create graphics screen
CLS ' clear the screen
_DELAY .5 ' slight delay before moving screen to middle
_SCREENMOVE _MIDDLE ' move screen to middle of desktop
DO ' begin main loop
MakeChessBoard ' make a new chess board
_PUTIMAGE (103, 53), ChessBoard& ' display the chess board
LOCATE 2, 22 ' prnt directions
PRINT "Press any key to make another chess board or ESC to exit."
SLEEP ' wait for key stroke
LOOP UNTIL _KEYDOWN(27) ' leave when ESC key pressed
_FREEIMAGE ChessBoard& ' remove image from memory
SYSTEM ' return to operating system
SUB MakeChessBoard ()
'- Creates a random chess board in the ChessBoard& image handle -
SHARED ChessBoard& ' need to share the global variable
'** Declare local variables
DIM ChessImage& ' the image supplied by the art department
DIM WhiteTile&(3) ' 4 white tiles
DIM BlackTile&(3) ' 4 black tiles
DIM Count% ' generic counter
DIM Toggle% ' toggles between 0 and 1
DIM Flip% ' random number between 1 and 4
DIM NextTile& ' next tile placed on board
DIM x%, y% ' board square counters
DIM tx%, ty% ' tile coordinate on chess board
RANDOMIZE TIMER ' seed the random number generator
'** Create chess board image if needed
IF ChessBoard& = 0 THEN ' does chess board image already exist?
ChessBoard& = _NEWIMAGE(592, 592, 32) ' no, create the chess board image
'** Load the master graphic and parse out the individual images
ChessImage& = _LOADIMAGE(".\tutorial\Lesson13\chess.png", 32) ' load the master graphics file
_PUTIMAGE , ChessImage&, ChessBoard&, (0, 70)-(591, 660) ' extract the wood board
FOR Count% = 0 TO 3 ' cycle through 4 tiles
WhiteTile&(Count%) = _NEWIMAGE(69, 69, 32) ' create white tile image
BlackTile&(Count%) = _NEWIMAGE(69, 69, 32) ' create black tile image
_PUTIMAGE , ChessImage&, WhiteTile&(Count%), (69 * Count%, 0)-(69 * Count% + 68, 68) ' extract
_PUTIMAGE , ChessImage&, BlackTile&(Count%), (276 + 69 * Count%, 0)-(344 + 69 * Count%, 68) ' tiles
NEXT Count%
'** Draw the chess board
Toggle% = INT(RND(1) * 2) ' start with random tile color
FOR y% = 0 TO 7 ' cycle through 8 rows
Toggle% = 1 - Toggle% ' new row opposite tile from last
FOR x% = 0 TO 7 ' cycle through 8 columns
Toggle% = 1 - Toggle% ' select next tile color
IF Toggle% = 0 THEN ' 0 for white tile
NextTile& = WhiteTile&(INT(RND(1) * 4)) ' get random white tile
ELSE ' 1 for black tile
NextTile& = BlackTile&(INT(RND(1) * 4)) ' get random black tile
tx% = 20 + x% * 69 ' calculate next tile upper left x
ty% = 20 + y% * 69 ' calculate next tile upper left y
Flip% = INT(RND(1) * 4) + 1 ' get random tile flip method
SELECT CASE Flip% ' how should tile be flipped?
CASE 1 ' normal, no flip
_PUTIMAGE (tx%, ty%), NextTile&, ChessBoard&
CASE 2 ' flip vertically
_PUTIMAGE (tx% + 68, ty% + 68)-(tx%, ty%), NextTile&, ChessBoard&
CASE 3 ' flip horizontally
_PUTIMAGE (tx% + 68, ty%)-(tx%, ty% + 68), NextTile&, ChessBoard&
CASE 4 ' flip both
_PUTIMAGE (tx%, ty% + 68)-(tx% + 68, ty%), NextTile&, ChessBoard&
'** Perform memory cleanup (must be done or memory will fill up!)
FOR Count% = 0 TO 3 ' cycle through 4 tiles
_FREEIMAGE WhiteTile&(Count%) ' remove white tile from memory
_FREEIMAGE BlackTile&(Count%) ' remove black tile from memory
NEXT Count%
_FREEIMAGE ChessImage& ' remove master graphics file from memory