Solution to Lesson 11
( This code can be found at .\tutorial\Lesson11\MyQB64.bas )
CONST WHITE = _RGB32(255, 255, 255) ' define white
DIM NextValue% ' next command value
DIM Handle& ' free file handle
DIM sx%, sy%, x%, y% ' polygon coordinate pairs
DIM r%, g%, b% ' color attributes
DIM Count% ' polygon point counter
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32)
IF _FILEEXISTS(".\tutorial\Lesson11\POINTDATA.XYP") THEN ' does data file exist?
Handle& = FREEFILE ' yes, get a free file handle
OPEN ".\tutorial\Lesson11\POINTDATA.XYP" FOR INPUT AS #Handle& ' open the data file
DO ' main program loop
INPUT #Handle&, NextValue% ' get next command value
IF NextValue% > 0 THEN ' end of data?
INPUT #Handle&, sx%, sy% ' no, get start coordinate of polygon
PSET (sx%, sy%), WHITE ' set the start point
FOR Count% = 1 TO NextValue% - 1 ' cycle through remaining coordinates
INPUT #Handle&, x%, y% ' get next polygon coordinate
LINE -(x%, y%), WHITE ' draw line from previous coordinate
NEXT Count% '
LINE -(sx%, sy%), WHITE ' close the polygon
ELSEIF NextValue% = -1 THEN ' perform paint command?
INPUT #Handle&, x%, y%, r%, g%, b% ' yes, get coordinate and color attributes
PAINT (x%, y%), _RGB32(r%, g%, b%), WHITE ' paint the polygon
ELSE ' must be 0 meaning end of data
CLOSE #Handle& ' close the data file
SLEEP ' wait for keystroke
SYSTEM ' return to operating system